July 20, 2020

Montezuma Elementary School

Return to School Plan

August 2020

Dear Montezuma Families:

We are pleased to announce that we will begin our school year in a traditional manner.  We are very excited that our students will be attending live classes!  Please see our enclosed plan which addresses some of the many questions you may have related to our safe return to school this fall.   For the safety of every student, we are recommending students wear masks when students are in places that social distancing is less probableStudents should have a mask or face covering with them at all times.  Please review this plan and let me know if you have unanswered questions.


Buses will run as usual.   Students who ride the bus will be required to wear a mask or face covering while on the bus.  Students will be assigned seats and may only ride on their assigned bus, so that if there are any confirmed cases of Covid 19, the necessary families can be contacted directly.  Contractors will ensure the buses are cleaned and sanitized.  Hand sanitizer will be readily available.  Any additional questions can be answered by our bus contractor, Keith McIntyre.

Entering the building:

Students that arrive on busses will be dismissed one bus at a time to allow for some space between students as they enter.  Random temperature checks will be made and anyone exhibiting signs of illness will be sent directly to the health office for further evaluation. 

Car riders/Walkers will enter the building through the doors to the west of the Main Entrance and will report directly to the Gym.  Students will be seated in the gym by grade level to limit contact.  Space between grade levels will ensure social distancing as best we can.  At 7:45 a.m. all students will be sent to class a grade level at a time.  Students entering this direction will also be randomly screened for temperature checks. If anyone exhibits signs of illness they will be sent directly to the health office for further evaluation.


Students will enter the classroom and immediately sanitize hands.  Students will be required to stay in their own area once in the classroom.  We encourage students to have a mask with them for situations in which they are working closely or are unable to social distance within the classroom.  Each student will have their own supplies and will not share materials.  Teachers will use as much social distance as possible while still maintaining the normalcy of the classroom.  In the Intermediate grades, teachers will move classrooms and students will stay in homerooms. This will allow students to be the only person using a desk.

Students will be taught about the necessity of cleanliness and will have many opportunities to practice those skills.  Desks and devices will be sanitized several times throughout the day.  Hand sanitizing stations have been installed to be used upon entering the classroom.  We will no longer be taking large groups to the restroom.  Students will be allowed to go as needed.  Students will also be asked to bring their own water bottle.  They may use the drinking fountain only to fill their water bottles--they will not be able to drink directly from the drinking fountain.

Teachers will have ample supplies of the necessary sanitizing materials.  Custodians will also do thorough cleaning after students leave the building.  

Special Area Classes: 

Students will move to special areas such as Art, Physical Education, Music and Library.  These are specialized areas and need access to equipment needed to teach.

Special area teachers will follow all health guidelines in their classrooms.  Items used in class will be sanitized before the next group uses them.  Students will sanitize hands when entering and exiting the classroom.  

Teachers will have ample supplies of the necessary sanitizing materials.  Custodians will also do thorough cleaning periodically throughout the day and after students leave the building.


Students will be picking up their breakfast/lunch and returning to the classroom to eat.  Our current seating is not ideal for social distancing.  Having students eat in their classrooms will lessen exposure to sharing items at the tables and face to face exposure in a small space without masks.  


Students will be using our playground equipment as normal.  The outside equipment will be sanitized often.  Students will be required to wash hands (or use hand sanitizer) when coming back into the classroom.  This will limit the bacteria that comes from touching the equipment.  We will also limit the number of students that are allowed on each playset.  

Montezuma’s recess areas and playground are large enough for groups of students to spread out and safely enjoy recess outside.  If there should be inside recess due to weather, teachers will have items ready for use.  Students will once again be asked to sanitize before and after the activity.  

Dismissal from School:

We recommend that students wear masks or face coverings during dismissal and when exiting the school building.  Students will be dismissed to buses by bus number.  This allows for smaller groups when exiting the building.  Walkers will be dismissed after busses are loaded.  They will exit by grade level.  Car riders will also be dismissed by grade level to allow for smaller groups and social distancing to the best of our ability.

Before/After School Care:

We will still offer our child care as we have in the past.  Andria Franklin and Sharlynn Metheny will be in charge of before and after school care this year.  They will have further information for you when you sign up.

On-line Academy Option:

There are certain situations that on-line learning may be necessary for a student.  This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  If you have a specific need to attend the virtual learning academy please contact me by email at taylorm@swparke.k12.in.us as soon as possible.